I'm so awkward when it comes to introductions and first posts. What to say?
My name is Meghan. I'm 23, and I live in northern Maine with my husband and our one year old son. I work full time, and I'm going back to school- for the second time- to finish my degree in social work. Sometimes I'm a photographer, sometimes I'm a writer, sometimes I'm just a big ball of stress :]
We use cloth diapers on our son. I guess that the main reason that I started this blog was to emphasize that "normal" people can use cloth diapers. You don't have to be "crunchy", a hippie, an environmentalist, a stay at home mom, a breastfeeder, or any other "label" if you want to cloth diaper. Trust me, I'm none of those things. I'm just an ordinary, moderate parent who is trying to do the best for her child. This blog will contain my trials and tribulations, reviews, tips, rants, about cloth diapering and parenting and life in general. I hope that I can show that cloth diapering can be an (easy! really easy!) option for anyone who is interested in taking the plunge.
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